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Keyword: electrostatic spray gun, liquid electrostatic spray gun ,automatic electrostatic spray gun, manual electrostatic spray gun, paint spray gun, water spray gun, liquid coating system,electrostatic spray coating machine


Contact person: Ms Croesus

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Factory: No,55 Xinghe Road. Xiabian industrial. Chanan town. dongguan China


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Automatic spraying equipment and coating technology

Source: hongda Browse:1490 The release date:2022.11.08 [ Large medium small ]

. Product structure:

The products in the paint spraying industry are classified from multiple perspectives, the consumption scale and proportion of paint spraying products of different types, grades, regions and application fields are given, and the market capacity, demand characteristics and main competitive manufacturers of various subdivided products are deeply investigated, which helps customers to grasp the product structure of the paint spraying industry as a whole and the market demand of various subdivided products.

automatic spray equipment | hdaspray

. Market distribution

Analyze the market distribution of the spraying coating industry from the geographical distribution and consumption capacity of users, and conduct in-depth research on the key regional markets with large consumption scale, including the consumption scale and proportion, demand characteristics, and demand trend in this region

. User research

by dividing the user groups of paint spraying products, the consumption scale and proportion of paint spraying products by different user groups are given. At the same time, the purchasing power, price sensitivity, brand preference, purchasing channels, and purchasing frequency of paint spraying products purchased by various user groups are deeply investigated, and the factors of concern and unmet needs of various user groups for paint spraying products are analyzed, It also forecasts the consumption scale and growth trend of various user groups for spray paint products in the next few years, so as to help spray paint manufacturers grasp the demand status and demand trend of various user groups for spray paint products.

HONGDA SPRAYING ELECTROMECHANICAL specialized in manufacturing electrostatic spray guns. electrostatic spray gun, liquid electrostatic spray gun ,automatic electrostatic spray gun, manual electrostatic spray gun, paint spray gun, water spray gun, liquid coating system,  electrostatic spray coating machine.

HDA electrostatic spray equipment *Excellent surface coating: electrostatic spraying is accomplished by applying high voltage electrostatic charge on the coating parts with good grounding. *save paint: environmental effect of static electricity and uniform spraying interface make more paint sprayed to the surface of the workpiece, the result is not only better surface quality, also sae paint20-35%

china spray coating equipment | hdaspraygun


Factory: No,55 Xinghe Road. Xiabian industrial. Chanan town. dongguan China

Contact person: Ms Croesus

Phone: 86 13622624429 (same as Wechat)

