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Working Principle of Electrostatic Gun

Source: hongda Browse:2411 The release date:2018.11.22 [ Large medium small ]
Recently, I heard a customer ask what is an electrostatic spray gun and what is its working principle. Today I will share with you the working principle of electrostatic spray gun.

Electrostatic spraying is a spraying method that utilizes the physical phenomenon of "electrostatic adsorption embracing". There is an electrostatic field between the electrode needle of the spray gun with high voltage static electricity and the grounding object. When the paint is sprayed by the spray gun, the coating is atomized and electrostatic charges are brought on. Under the action of the electrostatic field force, the charged coating particles will reach the grounding workpiece in a larger proportion, reduce the waste of the coating, improve the production efficiency and the table. Surface quality. It can help you save the cost of paint to a greater extent, improve the paint rate, and meet your ever-changing production needs.

Next, I'd like to introduce a cost-effective electrostatic spray gun HDA-1020. What are its characteristics?

* High security: Because the built-in high voltage generator is in the main body of the gun, it achieves high security.

* Excellent processing: equipped with excellent particulate HDA-60 nozzle, can achieve advanced coating effect.

* High coating efficiency: High coating efficiency can be achieved with HDA-70 nozzles with excellent direct injection and far-reaching performance.

* Easy to operate and comfortable to handle: due to the resin fuselage plus lightweight, streamlined handle design, in line with ergonomics, hand just in hand, long hours of work do not feel tired.

* Various adjusting and adjusting devices: rotating the adjusting device, can easily adjust the amount of paint vomiting and spraying amplitude, convenient and fast.

Recommended reading

label of this article: Electrostatic spray gun manufacturer
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